This was a Venture Design ‘crash course’ for the Japan X program at Women’s Startup Lab. The Women’s Startup Lab provides programming and incubator space for female founders.
1. Draft a working set of personas (1 – 3 hours)
2. Draft a working set of problem scenario-alternative-value proposition trios. (.5 – 2 hours)
(see above for tutorial and template)
3. Finish a working product hypothesis. (.25 hours)
4. Finish a working interview guide to validate your persona and problem hypotheses. (<1hour for 1st take)
5. Complete at least 5 customer interviews. (~1 hour/subject, not including subject recruitment)
Template for Taking Notes (Reminder: More detail is good here. A good interview transcript may look very different to you 1 month, 3 months, 6 months in the future as your perspective evolves. I like to just touch type while I’m interviewing. The transcript is a mess but then I clean it up after the fact.)
6. Draft a working set of assumptions around your value hypothesis
7. Design experiments to test your value hypothesis
8. Execute your experiments!
See above. This is where a lot of the action happens! Be scrappy, be creative. Make sure you have a clearly delineated value proposition(s) and challenge yourself to think of something you can do in 24 hours.
1. Draft a working set of epics and child stories (.5-2 hours)
2. For at least one of the above, draft a prototype in Balsamiq
3. Design a usability test plan with the above (see for a template)
Customer Discovery Handbook (see section on Usability Hypothesis)
4. Carry out 3 usability tests