Case Library

This page has a set of cases which deal with digital design and development.

Hypothesis-Driven Development & Venture Design

These cases are related to the process of application design, moving from qualitative observations about your customer to collaboration-friendly, testable inputs to the development process itself.

The Win You Design 1. Evaluating and explain the relevance of key innovation techniques for modern digital design Software Design- Session 1
Knowing What Matters, Part I 1. Creating interview guides to test and develop personas and problem scenarios with human subjects Software Design- Session 2
Knowing What Matters, Part II 1. Creating actionable personas with Think-See-Feel-Do
2. Setting the stage for innovative yet focused value propositions by using problem scenarios to frame underlying jobs-to-be-done and alternatives
Software Design- Session 3
An MVP, Not a 1.0 1. Pairing value propositions with underlying jobs to be done for disciplined, creative testing of value to the buyer through iteration
2. Taking ideas and structure them as testable hypotheses (a la Lean Startup)
3. Using product proxies (MVP’s) to quickly and inexpensively test the above, including pattern recognition for proven practices
Software Design- Session 1
A Design You Can Test 1. Evaluating and explaining the relevance of key innovation techniques for modern digital design
2. Creating testable designs using agile user stories
(none published)
The Testable Design 1. Progressing validated learning on personas, problem scenarios, and propositions to development-friendly narrative via user stories and storyboards
2. Sketching vivid, actionable, discussable user stories & storyboards at multiple levels of detail
3. Facilitating narrative collaboration and prioritization for learning with user stories & storyboards
Software Design- Session 7
Hypothesis-Driven Design 1. Linking user stories with analytical questions
2. Definition the actionability of these questions
3. Instrumenting observation to answer these questions in a Google Analytics or similar
Getting Useful Software Out the Door Quickly 1. Explaining how product design achieves simplicity through a disciplined process
2. Using a structured framing of user cognition to focus design and testing of a user interaction, linking to testable rewards
3. For a given user story, identifying and analyze pattern elements + comparables for a user interaction
Software Design- Session 8
Parallel Prototyping for Beginners 1. Translate work from the last session into parallel prototypes with interaction for user testing Software Design- Session 9
Sample Usability Test: Social Media for the Small Business 1. Design and conduct usability testing Software Design- Session 10

Coding for Designers & Managers

These cases are related to the process of moving from idea to code, specifically from a validated design to working software in HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

From Prototype to HTML 1. Achieving basic working proficiency with HTML Software Development- Session 1
Making HTML Manageable 1. Achieving basic working proficiency with CSS Software Development- Session 2
Building Less Software  1. Achieving working fluency with 3rd party environments (which much (most?)) software is built  Software Development- Session 4
Debugging HTML & CSS  1. Achieving basic working fluency with analytical debugging of HTML & CSS.  Software Development- Session 6
Making Stuff Happen with Javascript 1. Achieving basic working proficiency with Javascript and JQuery  Software Development- Session 7
Debugging Javascript 1. Achieving basic working fluency with analytical debugging of Javascript  Software Development- Session 8
Automating Your Gruntwork with Javascript 1. Achieving working fluency in controller/algorithim development  Software Development- Session 9
Creating & Managing Users with Google Firebase 1. Achieving working fluency in using controllers to interface with a third party API  Software Development- Session 10